Which Cotopaxi websites are legit?
It’s been brought to our attention that there are a number of fake Cotopaxi websites and outlets, across different social media and online platforms, in existence. Across the board, these are fraudulent accounts and unaffiliated with Cotopaxi. Our team is working diligently to get these sites removed, as they are a scam, and we urge people not to make purchases or engage with these fraudulent sites.
This is a list of fake, active sites we've identified.
- https://www.cotopaxipolska.net/
- https://www.cotopaxiauckland.com/
- https://www.cotopaxiallpa.com/
- https://www.cotopaxinz.com/
- https://www.cotopaxiuk.com/
- https://www.cotopaxiaustralia.com/
- https://www.cotopaxigreece.com/
- https://www.cotopaxitas.com/
- http://www.cotopaxieu.sk/
- https://www.cotopaxidanmark.com/
- https://us-cotopaxi.shop
- https://www.cotopaxiscxz.shop/
- https://www.cotopaxibelgie.net/
- https://www.cotopaxicolombia.com/
- https://www.cotopaxicz.com/
- https://www.cotopaxichile.com/
- https://www.cotopaxieesti.com/
- https://www.cotopaxicanada.net/
- https://www.cotopaxibrasil.com/
- https://www.cotopaxigreece.net/
- https://www.cotopaxifrance.com/
- https://www.xn--cotopaxirygsk-fgb.com/
- https://cotovip.com/
- https://www.cotopaxizaino.it/
- https://www.cotopaxiuruguay.com/
- https://www.cotopaxiuae.com/
- https://www.cotopaxisouthafrica.com/
- https://www.cotopaxisk.com/
- https://www.cotopaxislovenija.com/
- https://www.cotopaxipolska.com/
- https://www.cotopaxiportugal.net/
- https://www.cotopaxieu.sk/
- https://www.cotopaxinorge.com/
- https://www.cotopaximexico.com/
- https://www.cotopaxikuwait.com/
- https://www.cotopaxinederland.com/
- https://www.cotopaxihrvatska.com/
- https://www.cotopaxihungary.com/
- https://www.cotopaxiireland.net/
- https://www.cotopaxilietuva.com/
- https://www.cotopaxiusa.us.com/
- https://cotopa.us/
- https://cotopaxieu.com/
- https://www.cotopaxis.com/
- https://cotopaxl.shop/
- https://cotopaxigearhub642.shop/
- https://www.cotopaxibelgium.com/
- https://www.cotopaximochilas.com/
- https://cotopaxipick.shop/
Which social media accounts are fake?
- https://www.facebook.com/people/Cotopaxi-One-Online/61552376623383/
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552376623383
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063893237555&mibextid=LQQJ4d
Our list of authorized sites is below:
- https://www.cotopaxi.com/
- https://eu.cotopaxi.com/
- https://uk.cotopaxi.com/
- https://cotopaxi.jp/
- https://www.cotopaxi.com.au/
- https://www.cotopaxi.co.nz/
- https://www.cotopaxi.ch/
- https://masvida.cotopaxi.com/
You can find our verified retailers here!
What do I do if I accidentally purchase from one of these fake sites?
- Report the fraudulent transaction to the company behind the money transfer app such as PayPal and ask them to reverse the payment.
- If you paid or linked the app to a credit card or debit card, report the fraudulent transaction to your credit card company or bank and ask them to reverse the charge.
- If the site is not on the list above, contact our Cotopaxi customer service team here to report the site.
- Report the site to the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) online here or by phone at (877) 382-4357.
- File a police report.
- Monitor your credit by going to IdentityTheft.gov to see what steps you should take.
- Change your password if you created a user account with them and use the same user/password anywhere else.
What is Cotopaxi doing to protect customers from these scam sites?
We are working with the social media sites and website platforms to identify and take down sites that are fraudulent and infringing on our Cotopaxi brand. We appreciate the diligence in reporting any fake accounts and sites to our customer service team, who are working around the clock to track these down and prevent the recurrence of these.